What underpins the success of this My Backyard Garden Project is that this is a 100% TEAM EFFORT. By this we mean we all help each other build a garden [either family or community] before moving on to the next. This characterises the cliche 'many hands make light work'.

1,014 family/whanau, kindergarten, community, and special needs gardens built or supplied [including 1,368+ compost bins] by the growing TEAM since May 28th - 2016

 The 4 e's

May 28th 2016 was the 'live' launch date of My Backyard Garden Project [mbgp] in West Auckland. The idea was to source FREE materials, i.e. topsoil, mulch, recyled timber [pallets, old fence palings, different sized timber] and make into raised garden beds and pallet compost bins.

52 gardens later we can inform that it was a 'determined bunch of single Mums' who saw the value of growing their own healthy nutritious vegetables that were the driving force of the projects success. Mums who have become dab hands at de-nailing recycled timber from the tip, who learn how to use a nail gun, dropsaw and many other shared skills associated with gardening.

The 4 e's are a continuing live cycle within the project. People who join with little to no skills become sponges soaking up what we share and teach. Each garden they help with they contribute more and more which is a great morale boaster for them and the TEAM.
Empowerment is very much about: "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to catch fish, feed him for a lifetime"... and as we continue to build more gardens and see pictures of their gardens and harvest, it becomes evidently true.

 Video share from the past...

Share or contact us if you want to improve food security in your community.
A few garden images from when we did that video garden build above.

Present 2024
Move to Gisborne end of 2019.
A new property means heaps to do to get it growing heaps of vegetables in the shortest possible time. Like typical male gardener mentality is to mimic the garden space we had in Waitakere City in half the amount of time or better.
Outcome: Very Happy!! Our garden has fed many mouths.
Pictures of this project - click here.
Link to start of Facebook albums here.
NZFG - December 2018
New Zealand Flower & Garden Show
Theme for this years show: Landfill Diversion.
How did we go? >> We were very late in setting up. Like judges had well gone past our empty site.
Pictures found here.
Rutherford High School working bee - August 2018
Task: Working Bee #1
Solid warm afternoon with a solid turnout of volunteers who came to Rutherford College for a solid workout of getting an area ready for all things to do with vegetable growing, composting, and lasagna gardening.
Pictures found here.
#projectOrakei - 22nd July 2018
Task: 24 garden boxes & soil delivery
It's always interesting being invited to work with others who are implementing aspects of how MBGP executes its own intakes. This was a partial trip down memory lane how we did things way back in 2016 inclusive of new format changes used in Rotorua in March 2017.
The underlying point on reflection is that Kelly Francis #whenuawarrior is positively doing something to help others also start their growing vegetables for themselves to feed themselves!!
Pictures found here.
Kiribati Voice - July 2018
Task: interview with Charles
Dynamo Therese Mangos [PVA = Pacific Vision Aotearo, Compost Collective - wears 2 hats - talented!!] invited MBGP to a mid-morning interview at Kiribati Voice. Interesting to say the least.
Pictures found here.
To listen to a 10 minute interview : click here
Pukekohe - June 2018
Task - garden make over and 3 bay compost bin install
Everybody Eats and this was a memorable day for a host of reasons. Great work effort by all.
Pictures of this project - click here.
Te Roopu Taurima - June 2018
Completed - 1 C open composting system and compost workshop
Working with special needs whanau is always a rewarding and humbling experience. These youngsters work hard and try there best. Time and encouragement is the best thing to give them when you provide an opportunity for them even if it is just hammering in a nail.
Thank you all so much for this great day, beautiful hospitality... and that haka at the end I will never forget > PASSION HARD
Pictures of this working bee found here.
Waioteora Community Garden - May & July 2018
Task: ongoing
Thanks Mesapa Edwards & Therese Mangos for including MBGP with this gem of a community project.
Location: 66 Rogan Street, Mt. Roskill
  • July 27th pics found here
  • May 30th pics found here
  • May 12th pics found here
Home garden make over - 8th, 9th May 2018
Task: ongoing
It totally amazes me how we spend more time working on other peoples gardens than we do our own. That said changes were planned with the focus on open pile composting.
Pictures found here.
Unity In Our Community Event - May 5th 2018
MBGP display and helping a sister out with our audio services
Serving the community provides opportunities to network with other super individuals/groups. We understand how to do things on the smell of an oily rag and make money go far on the least amount that we either have or have been given. So when we heard of the budget to do this audio gig [$800 plus], we said we'd do it FREE of charge.
Thanks Warren for manning the MBGP display stall and doing a great job.
Pictures found here.
#projectWhangarei - 23 April 2018
Completed - 1 community garden
The call was to travel north and build a community garden for I Have A Dream in Tikipunga. We worked with a posse of youthful women who challenged the young men to come and help. Truthfully these young women outshone the lads hands down!
Pictures of this project - click here.
The Hub @ Gribblehirst Community Hub - April 2018
Completed - 1 palletised garden box with seat
MBGP offerend it's services to help out this young man Oscar who has a BIG heart for community. He fessed to us that he had little to no tools and was lacking in experience. We chatted and found out that his passion to serve the community kick-started before he was 16. What he lacked and shared with us was why we knew we were in the right space to help him on his journey. We were humbled to work with Oscar - thanks so much for inviting us.
Pictures found here.
Community Fruit & Veg Stands - April 2018
Completed - 4 stands
We do things for others because that's how we roll. That said we are blameworthy of biting off more than we can chew sometimes, but this lil project was for a great course and is blossoming tremendously well in New Zealand.
Who they are is: Community Fruit & Veg Stands
Pictures found here.
Humble Beginnings - 18th March 2018
Task: ongoing | start a sheet mulched garden in my nextdoor neighbors property
The bonus of getting dying trees chopped down is not only more sun, but a chat with the neighbor and she's cool that we start a new garden on the vacant property. So for us it will allow us to build growing compound from scratch using a lot of sourced compostable materials.
Pictures found here.
nzfgbrone medal
MBGP exhibited at the 2017 New Zealand Flower & Garden Show.
Venue: Trust Stadium, Central Park Drive
Dates: Wednesday 29th November - Sunday 3rd December
More details:

Timeline photo/video capture links:
Bronze Medal > at a glance > click here
Nov 28th > click here [Facebook linked now and below]
Nov 25th - 26th > click here
Nov 22nd > click here
Nov 8th > click here
#projectOneLove -Mangere. 17th - 19th November 2017
Completed - 47 gardens
Project promo banner - click here
Pictures of this project - click here.
Mini Garden Project, Titirangi - October 28th 2017
Project promo banner - click here
Pictures of this late afternoon working bee - click here.
Urban Garden Project, Waitakere City - Labour Weekend 2017
Project promo banner - click here
Pictures of this challenge - click here.
#projectkawakawa - October 13th-15th 2017
Completed - 1 primary/community garden at Kawakawa Primary School in 3 days!
Project promo banner - click here
Pictures of this challenge - click here.
MBGP Mangere TEAM Challenge - September 8th-10th 2017
Completed - 127 gardens in 3 days!
Project promo banner - click here
Details of this exciting challenge - click here
Kelly Marie [#whenuawarrior] rightly promoted this '100 gardens in 100 homes - Mangere'
Epic achievement undertaken by all. New format still improving 😆
MBGP Waitakere TEAM Challenge - July 6th-12th 2017
Completed - 80 gardens in 4 days!
Project promo banner - click here
Details of this exciting challenge - click here
The TEAM challenge is to build 50 - 100 gardens in these areas in Waitakere City - Swanson, Ranui, Massey, West Harbour, and Henderson.
New format to be run.
Remember 'many hands make light work' and if your keen for a bumper summer harvest... we'll energetically see you in July 😆
MBGP Rotorua Challenge - March 18th - 26th 2017
Completed - 66 gardens in just over 1 week!
Project promo banner - click here
For more details of this exciting challenge click here
Gardening is about networking with families and community and just doing it and making it happen!

We grow for:
  • health and nutrition > love sharing healthy nutritious organic vegetables > fitness > improving soil nutrition > reducing landfill by using recycled materials - negative carbon footprint > we love to share skills and knowledge... especially with youngsters > it's an essential life skill that many overlook its merits - dependency on fruit and vege store (produce laced with residue chemicals) > network building a vibrant vege gardening community > green thumb sense of organic achievement > we like to have our hands in Mother Earth
  • wordle interpretation - click here
  Like our gardens this page will change with content.
  • One of the 66 gardens built and filled with a super soil/compost mix - MBGP Rotorua Challenge 2017.
finished garden
What does NFii, SWYS and BGGF stand for?

This is what ½ cubic metre of topsoil builds:

Here is what the TEAM are contributing in our Facebook Group - come and see.

Websites we visit or have joined [all links open in new tab]
Lasagna Gardening || Top 15 Fastest Growing Veggies || Companion Planting || 25 Pallet Garden Ideas || DIY Compost || Top 20 Tips || Organic Vege Glossary || Pod Gardening || NZ Vege Gardeners ||
'know what you grow'